Dr. Sandra Varley, LPC
I have a deeply held passion for soul care, which I have been immersed in throughout my 30 year career in professional psychotherapy and consulting. Emotional well-being and spiritual peace are intricately connected. As such, anything that improves the psyche enriches the soul, and vice versa.
I’ve been immersed in meditation throughout my adult life, and have had a long-standing grounding in Contemplative traditions of Christianity. This began with my introduction to Centering Prayer in 1993, and was followed by becoming a facilitator to teach Centering Prayer through Contemplative Outreach of Colorado. In 1999, I began my Doctorate in Clinical Psychology at Pacifica in California. Through Pacifica, I was greatly blessed to get a degree through a program whose mission is “Anima Mundi”; Tending the Soul in the World. I integrated spirituality and psychology into this degree program, culminating in a dissertation focusing on the relationship between spirituality and trauma in adult female escorts. Since completing my Doctorate in 2006, I’ve integrated this integrated approach into all my clinical work. That has included being a professor, therapist, supervisor, and consultant.
Much of my work over the years has focused on trauma, particularly complex trauma and healing of childhood abuse. Although I’ve always integrated spirituality into this healing when it is requested by the person I’m companioning, Although my investment in both mind and spirit continue, l’ve now entered that phase of life in which I look forward to letting go of the difficult work of mental and emotional healing of trauma and of developing mental health professionals into a more direct focus on tending to soul.
Whether it’s consulting, therapy or spiritual companioning, my approach to our work together is collaborative. I’ll work compassionately and respectfully with you to enhance and deepen your walk.