Professionals Network
Are You a Private Practice Therapist Searching for Connection, Clients and Community who value excellence in client care?
Network benefits include:
- Get the word out about you and your practice through your listing in our Member Therapist Directory. Include your website, areas of specialization, populations you work with, and contact info. The “About Town” section of our bi-weekly e-mail newsletter will also publicize your groups, workshops, and other offerings.
- A bi-weekly email newsletter with mental health news, new research and field developments, local events and opportunities to advertise your own groups, workshops and more.
- Meet individually with Dr. Varley, an experienced, skilled consultant and supervisor, monthly, in individual 30-minute consultations. You can meet with her in person or online from the comfort of your home or office to build your practice, answer a clinical question or find needed resources for clients.
- Process those ‘everyday” challenges right away with colleagues and Dr. Varley in weekly online “Office Hours” sessions, in which you can join colleagues via a simple video-conference platform to ask pressing questions, seek insights into ethical dilemmas in counseling or work through daily challenges as they arise. Enjoy the convenience of connecting to trusted therapists with your phone, computer or tablet without adjusting your schedule or wasting time traveling place-to-place.
- On-going professional development trainings and workshops, with topics including HIPAA compliance, legal and ethical safeguards, building a thriving therapy Practice and more—all at a reduced fee. Individualized packages tailored perfectly to your own Private Practice or work settings are also available.
- Regular opportunities to enjoy the support and insights of local therapists at luncheons, workshops and other engaging networking events.
- Knowledgeable, informed consulting that can help you navigate practical concerns while honoring the goals, vision and values that drew you to your therapy career.
Managing a Private Therapy Practice Isn’t Easy
The MindCare Professionals Network is here to serve you. If you feel that things aren’t working out, you are free to cancel your membership at any time. And, if you have paid in advance, you will receive a full refund for any months you do not receive services.
If you sign up and pay for a three-month membership now, you will receive your first month free. If you’re unsatisfied for any reason during that first month, you can cancel your membership and pay nothing. I have so much faith in the benefits of joining this network that I’m happy to offer this one-month free trial.
Let’s face it: Private Practice can be isolating. Even if you have colleagues you like to keep in touch with, scheduling demands can make actually getting together and engaging with your local therapy community really difficult. Plus, our work is very private by nature; what we do moment-by-moment in therapy is based on our own training, experience and sense of what’s best. We all know how often we are encouraged to consult with mentors or peers with clinical questions or ethical dilemmas; yet, with how busy we all are, it’s not easy to find someone who is available to offer insight and support.
It can also be challenging to find the time to maintain the ongoing training and professional development needed to keep your therapy expertise strong. Our field is expanding, with ever-increasing sources of information—books, journal articles, newsfeeds, websites and therapist workshops are offered in abundance. Wading through this ocean of information just to determine what you need to learn can feel overwhelming and confusing. I’ll bet, like me, you’ve had the experience of carving an entire day out of your schedule for a workshop, only to find that you got very little in return.
Do you wish you could foster consistent connection with trusted colleagues and more easily access the information and resources you need to help your Practice thrive?
Because HIPAA requirements, legal mandates and ethical best practices are often changing, you may find it challenging to make sure you stay up-to-date on those Practice basics. Do you feel uncertain if your HIPAA and legal structures are safeguarding your therapy work? Do you seek an on-going, single source of guidance for ensuring the long-term safety of your Practice?
To top it all off, developing and maintaining a client base may also seem formidable at times. The therapy field has become increasingly commercialized and results-driven. In other words, potential clients want to know exactly how you can help them and how quickly they can expect results. Without a community of experienced colleagues to provide referrals, suggestions and feedback, many Private Practice therapists find themselves struggling to connect with the populations they wish to serve. You may sometimes feel confused about exactly which strategy or strategies to use to optimize that new client growth. Could you benefit from hearing about what has and hasn’t worked for your colleagues?
In truth, managing the time and energy required for Private Practice building is no small task! We all need to stay up-to-date and adapt to our exciting, ever-changing field. The good news is that a consistent, engaged and growing therapy network can help you access the information and resources you need to develop your Practice.
If you’d like any other information, I invite you to call me at 970-352-6830 or email at
Join today!
The cost is $75 per month
Payments will be made automatically each month through PayPal once you join for 6 months.
More information about The Integrus MindCare Professionals Network?
I have been a psychotherapist for 30 years, and an educator, consultant and supervisor for the last 10. During that time, I’ve built successful Practices twice. I left my busy Practice in 2009 to become a full-time Graduate counseling faculty member and Clinical Coordinator for the Loveland Campus at Colorado Christian University, then re-opened the Practice in 2011. I just couldn’t leave my passion for doing the work behind! I’ve built my current flourishing group Practice, Integrus Counseling Associates in the years since. All of this means that I deeply understand the challenges therapists face, which is why I started the Integrus MindCare Professionals Network, a program dedicated to connecting and serving therapists here in Colorado and beyond. You don’t have to navigate the stresses of networking, HIPAA compliance, Practice building and more on your own.